I am going to give you a few details of a journey I have recently decided to embark on. It is a scary journey, one with many unknowns . But a journey that is well worth the risks.
I am not talking about a backpacking trip or even a journey in time.
I am talking about a relationship.
Allow me to start at the begining, say back in november.
I asked the lovely Sarah to the annual Christmas.
I was thinking "I'll ask a good friend and we can have a great time."
So this was my invitation and...
She checked YES!

I am talking about a relationship.
Allow me to start at the begining, say back in november.
I asked the lovely Sarah to the annual Christmas.
I was thinking "I'll ask a good friend and we can have a great time."
So this was my invitation and...
She checked YES!

It wasn't long before we found ourselves (unconsciously, for a while) among the same group of friends on the weekends, Occasionally playing poker (Sorry momma Staley for the bad influence). And I must add that her first game she made even the best among us shake our heads at our loses.

Over time we had more and more talks, conversations,
and other interations, often in uncommon places at all hours of the day and night.
The topics usually wern't about anything in partiucular, just life.

I was not really looking to start anything as I was leaving for 5 months and the means of communication are questionable at best. But we all know that when a young lady catches the attention of a young man there is not much that can stand in the way.
So when the counsel I recieved on the matter said I shouldn't wait, it didnt' take me long (long, in this case was probably measured in nano-seconds) to see it their way. May I add that waiting two days untill her college finals were over were probably the hardest days of my life.
So, then as of May 18 2006 we officially started dating.
Or you could say we embarked on a journey, a path, or a road, that as of right now is heading in the same dirction at the same place at the same time, but the end is still far off , and uncertain.
So Keep checking back regualarly to see where God leads, and after reading this post (which certainly took more than 30 seconds) please take just 30 seconds to pray for us, invest in our lives, it will be greatly appreciated.
Or you could say we embarked on a journey, a path, or a road, that as of right now is heading in the same dirction at the same place at the same time, but the end is still far off , and uncertain.
So Keep checking back regualarly to see where God leads, and after reading this post (which certainly took more than 30 seconds) please take just 30 seconds to pray for us, invest in our lives, it will be greatly appreciated.
So would it seem the unconquerable one has been conquered? ;-) kidding. you're in my prayers.
Believe me, I exceeded my 30 seconds decades ago! But I'll keep it up.
Well that IS exciting and I WILL keep checking back to see how the journey goes. (And just to see how YOU, my friend, are doing! :-))
OH I forgot to say HAPPY (belated. :-() BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for sharing that Jared. I feel like I know more about you now than I really ever have. just one question... can she cook? ;-) I'm glad for you. blessings.
When do you get to meet her? :-)
The similarities are stunning.
I waited two days until after finals were over to talk to a girl named Sarah. We also went to the Christmas banquet together and spent a lot of time talking about life. Was she from a big family and homeschooled? Is her dad a doctor and her siblings named Sam and Jessie? I bet she was in REACH, every decent Rosedale girl was.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. It looks like you've both taken a good first step.
Sorry I was unable to visit some on Sunday, but hopefully we will be able to catch up sometime.
My, my, Jared I have not seen this poetic side of you. Glad the relationhsip feels right on all fronts. Do let us all know what happens. Debbi Di
I'm pretty impressed with the t'shirt idea. wish i would've thought of it. hey, wait til i tell you about the bees some time.
hey, you're a licked puppy...but i like her modest dress...i think she's a cuty and that you got a quality chick!!!!
hey jared,
don't really know what to say, but i want to see you and your new "special friend" Ok is it safe to say girl friend! i'm not so sure about your ability to operate this heavy equiptment with all those distractions on your mind!
call me if you need any advise on long distance relationships! i know a bit about them; i've been assuming that you aren't able too see her too much.
anyway blessing to you, hi from joanie and isaiah!
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