Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Honoring an American Hero

Recently Sarah and I attended her Grandfather's funeral. While a funeral is never a 'pleasant' or 'fun' event, I will say I count it an honor to have celebrated the life of Harold Holt with his family and friends.

Born in 1926, Grandpa was a member of a generation that some have dubbed "The Greatest Generation." Like many young men of his day he enlisted and participated in WWII . Not only did he give of his time, but a combat injury to his arm stayed with him the rest of his life. When he returned from Europe he attended college and earned an Ag degree from Penn State.

Agriculture was one of Grandpas passions and he dedicated his entire career to it. He first worked on a dairy farm and then in feed sales and finally as an extension agent for over 25 years. Grandpa was also extremely involved in his community. In addition to serving faithfully in his church he also filled his time with 4H, FFA and the local American Legion.

Even though I did not know Grandpa very well I have heard many stories about him and his dedication to his faith and his love for life. I also admire him for his patriotism and dedication to his country, not only by risking his life abroad, but also giving his life promoting agriculture here in Pennsylvania. After all, agriculture is the backbone of this country's economic prosperity.

I am grateful for Grandpa and others like him who worked hard to make this country what it is. You have certainly earned the title "The Greatest Generation."

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